The other day a friend of mine gave me a 900-page book called the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so I started reading it. I got to page 26 where the relationship between "tradition" and sacred Scripture is discussed, which stopped me dead in my tracks. All of a sudden this was no longer a leisurely read. I am still having trouble grasping the many errors in the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Trying to discuss them all would be far out of the scope of a simple book review, so I am going to focus on the four most shocking to me personally:
1. Their denial of Scripture being the one and only source of divine
inspiration (aka Sola Scriptura)
2. The transubstantiation of the Lord’s Supper
3. Their view of the Virgin Mary
4. Their blatant denial of the biblical teaching on justification
To be quite honest, because of how the Roman Catholic Church has refused to submit itself to the authority of God’s Word and to embrace the gospel of Jesus taught in Scripture, I can’t help but say that it has set itself apart from the true body of Christ. This false and deceptive form of Christianity is one of the largest tools of deceit, misleading over 850 million well-intentioned Catholics all over the world and keeping them from having a personal, saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I will address my four largest concerns with the Roman Catholic Church in this review of their Catechism, although I don’t think I am even scraping the top of the iceberg on this one.
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